The normal adult testis is a paired organ that lies within the scrotum suspended by the spermatic cord. 正常成人睾丸是由精索悬吊的一对位于阴囊内的器官。
It occurs when twisting of the spermatic cord cuts off the venous drainage, leading to hemorrhagic infarction. 精索扭转阻断静脉回流就会导致出血性梗死。
Ultrasonic diagnose spermatic cord hydrocele complicating calculi in children 超声诊断幼儿精索鞘膜积液合并结石
High ligation of internal spermatic cord vein 精索内静脉高位结扎术
Spermatic Cord Paraganglioma: A Case Report and Literature Review 精索副神经节瘤1例病例报告并文献复习
Undescended testis is frequently accompanied with the anomalies of the spermatic cord, gubernaculum testis, processus vaginalis, and epididymis. 隐睾常伴有精索、睾丸引带、鞘状突、附睾等异常。
The final pathological report was high-graded leiomyosarcoma of spermatic cord. 经病理确定为高度恶性的精索平滑肌肉瘤。
Diagnosis and Treatment of Testicular Torsion and Spermatic Cord Torsion ( a Report of 18 Cases) 睾丸精索扭转的诊断与治疗(附18例报告)
Methods: The clinical data of18 cases of testicular torsion and spermatic cord torsion were summarizd and analyzed retrospectively. 方法:回顾分析18例睾丸精索扭转患者的临床资料。
Objective To explore the value of high frequency ultrasound in diagnosing spermatic cord cysts ( SCC) in children. 目的探讨高频超声在小儿精索囊肿中的诊断价值。
High Frequency Ultrasound Diagnosis of Spermatic Cord Cysts in Children 高频超声诊断小儿精索囊肿
Objective Exploring the key points in terms of teaching of ligation of internal spermatic cord vein in different approaches. 目的探讨精索内静脉结扎不同术式的教学要点。
Methods Microsurgical technique was applied to testicle replantation via the anastomosis of spermatic cord artery, vein, spermatic duct vein and spermatic duct; 方法应用显微外科技术吻合精索内动脉、精索内静脉、输精管静脉及输精管,再植双侧睾丸;
Methods: Spermatic cord from the inguinal ring to the extermal ring was dissected and measured on 30 adult male cadaver specimens. 方法:在30侧成年男性尸体标本上对精索腹股沟管腹环至皮下环段进行了解部学观测。
Conclusion At high locational laparoscope ligation of spermatic cord veins has the advantages of minimal trauma, good curative effect, less complication. It is an optimal method to cure spermophlebectasia. 结论腹腔镜精索内静脉高位结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张具有创伤小,疗效好,并发症少等优点,是治疗精索静脉曲张的理想方法。
Diagnosis and treatment for spermatic cord torsion ( Report of 12 cases) 精索扭转的早期诊断及处理(附12例报告)
Morphological alterations of rat testes after intraabdominal dissection of spermatic cord vessels 腹腔镜下精索血管高位离断后大鼠睾丸的形态学改变
Conclusion Color Doppler ultrasound plays an important role for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of spermatic cord lesions. 结论彩色多普勒超声对于精索疾病的诊断与鉴别诊断,具有重要的临床价值。
Malignant tumors of spermatic cord ( report of 2 cases) 精索恶性肿瘤(附二例报告并文献复习)
The relationships of iNOS expression with spermatogenic cell proliferation and apoptosis following high ligation of internal spermatic cord vessels 精索内动静脉高位结扎iNOS的表达与睾丸生精细胞增殖和凋亡的关系
Experience of diagnosis and treatment of spermatic cord torsion in 9 cases 精索扭转9例诊治体会
In addition, as gubernacular vessels provide blood for cryptorchid testis, orchiopexy reserving gubernaculum testis has important value to cryptorchid testis with poor blood supply in spermatic cord and impalpable abdominal testis in which the spermatic vessels need cutting off. 保留引带睾丸固定术对需要切断精索血管的高位隐睾和精索血供不良的隐睾的血供具有重要价值。
Evaluation of Color Doppler Flow Imaging in the Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Spermatic Cord Torsion 彩色多普勒超声在精索扭转诊断和鉴别诊断中的价值
Clinical study on the effect of juvenile non-incarcerated oblique inguinal hernia on the spermatic cord and testicles 小儿非嵌顿性腹股沟斜疝对精索、睾丸影响的临床研究
Necrosis and atrophy of testis were 69.3%. Conclusion It is pointed out that the recognizing torsion of the spermatic cord, choice CDFI, early diagnosis and timely treatment are helpful to improve the living testis. 睾丸损失率69.3%,结论加强对精索扭转的认识,首选彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)检查,早期诊断和及时治疗,可提高睾丸的救治率。
Methods: The clinical data of 28 cases receiving laparoscopic high ligation of double spermatic cord vein were analyzed retrospectively. 方法:回顾分析腹腔镜双侧精索静脉高位结扎28例的临床资料。
Halsted created an anther operation, which is difference from the spermatic cord be moved above the external oblique muscle. Halsted创立了另一种术式,不同是将精索移至腹外斜肌的上方。